Understanding Your Coupons

If you're going to use coupons, you must know that you will need to use the coupons in the exact way in which they were intended.  Using coupons for any other use than how the manufacturer has stated is considered Coupon Fraud and is punishable by law.  The manufacturer always clearly states the conditions in which to be able to redeem your coupons.  You must take the time to thoroughly read your coupons and purchase the items specified on the coupons. Let's first begin with understanding the wording of the fine print.

Limit "ONE PER" Rules

  • Customer
  • Purchase
  • Shopping Trip/Visit
  • Transaction
CUSTOMER You are the customer.  Your husband is a customer.  Each individual person is a customer!  If the coupon has this wording "limit one coupon per customer", than you are limited to only using just ONE coupon.  However, each customer is able to use their own coupon in a separate transaction!

PURCHASE Each item you buy is considered a "Purchase".  All of your purchases combined together is the transaction.  If you are buying TWO (2) jars of pasta sauce, each jar is a purchase.  If your coupon states "limit one coupon per purchase" you are only allowed to use ONE coupon per each jar of pasta sauce you buy.  You are not allowed to Stack manufacturer's coupons together to buy just one item.

SHOPPING TRIP/VISIT This is a little vague, and how you're able to use these may vary per different store managers.  The coupons states "Limit 4 coupons per same shopping trip" than you're only able to use just 4 coupons.  You are not able to complete multiple transactions.  This wording limits you to using these coupons to each tine you visit the establishment.  You will need to make multiple trips to the store to be able to use all of your coupons.

TRANSACTION Your transaction is all of your purchases that will be rang together as one total.  If your coupon states "No more than 4 coupons for the same product in the same transaction", than you are only able to use 4 coupons per transaction.  However, you are not limited to only processing just one transaction. You can separate your purchases into as many transactions as you need to in order to maintain within your coupons guidelines.

When matching your coupons to the items in the store, please carefully read your coupons to make sure you're purchases the correct quantity of items per coupon, the exact sizes allowed, brands, restrictions, ect.
It's is very important to read your coupon completely and not just look at the pictures.  Pictures can be misleading.  Manufacturer's cannot put pictures of all the products they offer on coupons, or they may just choose to showcase their most expensive product in that line.  This is very difficult for many cashiers to understand.  Just politely inform the cashier to read the coupon and help them understand coupons more clearly!

Understanding your coupons is the first step in being able to fully use coupons to your advantage and using them correctly at the same time as well!