The Beginner's Guide to the Art of Couponing
New to couponing? Wondering how to start? Is it possible to actually save hundred's of dollars every month just by using some coupons?
I'm here to tell you that it is truly possible to save HUNDREDS of dollars every month just by learning the "Art of Couponing". Here you will learn how to become an Professional Couponer and be able to save 50-90% on your shopping bill immediately! "Extreme Couponing" is NOT by clearing shelves, hoarding or any illegitimate or unethical means of coupon practices. "Extreme Couponing" is saving and "Extreme" amount of money by using the Art of Couponing!!! You will need to work for your savings. You can invest as little or as much time as you feel comfortable with. You will also need to change everything about the way you currently shop. Instead of buying what you need or want each week, you will start shopping for what's on Sale at a Stockpile Price. Extreme Couponing is a cumulative process, you will have to have a little patience to reap the benefits of savings. When I first started really couponing, the first sale I found was on pasta, cereal and a few bath products. I bought 50 pastas in assorted varieties (spaghetti, angel hair, penne, tri-color rotini, elbow macaroni,,ect) 80 boxes of cereal and 15 body washes. I used the rest of my weekly budget to buy a few cheap items I could use along with all my pasta to make meals for my family. Within a few months, my stockpile has grown to accommodate even the pickest eaters. I don't really NEED any item at this moment and only buy what is on sale for at least 70-90% savings to stock up on until the next deal rolls around. You will see that your sales come in cycles. Learning your cycles and how much to buy to get through till the next cycles will come with time.
What You Need to Get Started -
Coupons - You'll need to start collecting coupons from as many different sources you can come up with. I'll go into further detail in Coupon Sources later, for now, just keep your eyes open and start collecting. The more coupons you have, the better deals you'll be able to create. NEVER throw away a coupon. You never know when buying something you will never use will earn you money and you can donate whatever you won't use to your local food banks or shelters.
Storage for Coupons - You'll need to keep your coupons organized. There are many different options to choose from: Expanding File, Coupon Binders, Filing Systems, ect. I combine a few methods to design my own unique filing system. It's more of a personal preference, so try a few different methods and see what works best for you.
Space - You will need some storage space for your stockpile. I started off with a few extra shelves in my pantry (the very top & the bottom, which weren't being used very much).
Next Lesson: Couponer's Lingo: Terms & Abbreviations
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